Friday, 18 July 2014


Popularly known as Vaayu mudra, this mudra decreases the vaayu (air) element within the body.


  • This mudra is formed by first placing the tip of the index finger on the base of the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb upon this finger. 
  • This amounts to suppression of element air (residing in the first finger) by element fire (residing in the thumb). 


Vaayu-shaamak mudra decreases the air element within the body. This reduction of air-

  • Sedates restless and anxious mind 
  • Calms overcharged nervous system 
  • Pacifies overactive endocrine glands 
  • Relaxes tense or spastic muscles 
  • Soothes strained voice 
  • Allows re-hydration of skin and articular cartilage.


- It can be used  to treat the following disorders: 
  • Stress, anxiety, irritability, lack of concentration, timidity, indeciveness, impatience, restlessness
  •  Sleeplessness, epileptic fits (convulsions) 
  • Giddiness, Parkinson’s disease 
  • Hormonal imbalance caused by over activity of endocrine gland. 
  • Twitching of eye lids, nystagmus (constant involuntary eye – movements) 
  • Tinnitus , vertigo, dizziness. 
  • Breathlessness, Tachycardia ( fast heart beats), palpitations. 
  • Muscle spasm, Muscle cramps, muscular rigidity. 
  • Constipation, flatulence (gas formation)


  •  45 minutes every day either at one stretch or in 3 parts (i.e., for 10 to 15 minutes, thrice a day).

Ideal time: 

  • Though Vaayu-shaamak mudra can be done at any time of the day, practicing it anytime other than 2:00 to 6:00 am/pm gives better result.


  • Many experienced doctors say that the practice of this mudra should be discontinued as soon as the disease has been overcome.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014


  • Gyan Mudra is a powerful mudra (or hand position) practiced for thousands of years by yogis that brings peace, calm, and spiritual progress.  
  • It relates to the planet Jupiter. Artistic depictions of great spiritual masters such as Guru Nanak, Christ, Buddha and Mahavir are all shown regularly with this hand position.
  •  In addition to its many spiritual qualities, Gyan Mudra has wide and varied health benefits, making it one of the most practiced mudras of all.

  • Connect the thumb and the forefinger (tip to tip, not tip to nail, which is another "active" variation of Gyan Mudra).
  • The other fingers are straight but relaxed.  Pressure between the thumb and forefinger is light.
 Also Known as VAYU -VARDHAK mudra - Increases the Vayu (air) element with in the body.
  •  Empowers the mind, causing a positive effect on emotions and leading to enlightment.
  • Empowers the nervous system.
  • Empowers the pitutary gland and there by the entire system of endocrine.
  • It eases tension and depression.
  • It relates to expansion and knowledge.
  • It is extremely calming and brings the practitioner spiritual openness and ease in meditation.
  •  Renders the skin and the mucus membranes dry.
  • Renders the joints and the articular cartilage.
  • Drowsiness, lethargy, Mental retardation.
  • Degeneration of Retina, optic atrophy.
  • Endocrine disorders like  hypopitutarism ,hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, diabetes etc.
  • Bradycardia
  • Formation of Excessive mucus in Your respiratory or digestive tract.
  • Effusion in joints.
  • Great help in increasing memory and I.Q. 
  • It can help cure sleeplessness and get one off sleeping pills where these are being taken. 

  • Vayu mudra can be performed at any time of the day.
  • Practicing it at anytime between 2:00 to 6:00 am/pm gives better result
  • People having Vatta constitution should perform this mudra in moderation.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Guidelines for Mudra Practicing

  • One should practice mudras in sitting postures either in meditation pose or sitting on chair keeping the back straight.
  • One should not practice Mudra full stomach.
  • One should discontinue the Mudra in case of uneasiness or pain in any part of the body.
  • It is important to know the benefits & contraindications of the Mudra before you adopt it.
  • It is very important to press the right points when taking the hand in Mudra.

  • For optimum benefits practice Mudra with both hands.
  • It is important to be regular and consistent in practicing to yield permanent results.
  • Do not continue practicing the same Mudra after achieving results.
  • One should practice spiritual & healing mudras for 45 minutes to have victory over the Mudra or one may practice in many times a day prolonging the time period of holding every time.

Know About Mudras

Mudra is a hand gesture or seal which is a symbol of energy. It is the most beautiful form on expression by the use of thumb and fingers. It is used as the non verbal form of communication in Various Indian classical dances like Kathak and Bharat Natyam. It also works as a therapy for the body and mind by balancing the ratio of five elements (panch tattvas) when done with hands.

Mudras are supposed to be a part of Tattva Yoga –the science of elements. Along with Asanas mudras are employed along with Yogic Meditation to energize the Chakras and calm the mind. To increase an element the thumb is pressed at the base of the finger tip, to decrease the finger is folded at the base of thumb and generally the back of the finger is pressed by the thumb, to balance the element the finger tip and the thumb tip are joined together.